Pan More Gold – Paydirt!


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Pan More Gold – Paydirt! – 612520381677

Our new Reserve Blend Gold Paydirt is hand gathered in our and our partners’ claims in and around the old gold mining districts in Colorado. We also offer a variety of jewelry grade gold nuggets at wholesale prices. We are a family prospecting business, and whether you are trying your first pan or are a seasoned expert prospector, our paydirt is sure to please. Recreational panners, folks that can’t get to gold bearing creeks, schools, scout troops, summer camps, church groups, gold clubs, and prospecting stores are now all happy Pan More Gold customers. Several of our customers became really good with getting fine gold and have even started mini side businesses professionally processing our paydirt at home. Each bag is guaranteed to be unsearched, and each bag will contain gold. Every bag is different, but we do regularly run our own material and have it tested by assay and lab facilities. Our pay dirt on average yields 200% more gold than other bags we have tested, and many customers on average report finding between 1/10th to over a gram per pound or more! Now you can buy paydirt online and pan at home just like Gold Rush® on TV and other shows.